Jhovany Quiroz

Jhovany Quiroz

Since joining BDI in 2015, Jhovany has proven his many talents – starting from his time as Account Specialist, then as manager of our Storytellers Program and resource library. Now, he leads BDI’s production of custom video, photo shoots and AI technologies. It’s a role well-suited to his photography and video experience, and to his success outside of BDI as a published visual artist.

As BDI’s Producer of Video and Storytelling, Jhovany shows a passion for helping people’s unique stories and experiences come to life in authentic, relatable ways. As Director of our Storytellers Program, he works alongside each BDI client to schedule and plan onsite and virtual visits with professional photographers and interviewers to collect testimonies, photos and video resources. Additionally, as our Video Producer, Jhovany leads each step of our custom video projects – from planning and logistics, to lighting, audio and onsite directing.

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