How does BDI help nonprofits adapt and grow with the times?

Being able to change and grow with the times is vital for nonprofits. As donors become more sophisticated in their giving – and more selective in the causes they support – organizations must be prepared to adapt and welcome new innovations and technology that inspire charitable giving and build donor loyalty. Working with BDI, Scott feels like growth and change are a top priority.

“They take every step they can to not only serve the client’s needs as those needs change, but also present changes in the world that could benefit their clients. I’ve never seen BDI sit still… They change with the times, almost on a day-to-day basis.”

BDI has partnered with Coachella Valley Rescue Mission for 13 years, working together through many seasons of change. In that time we have committed to tracking industry trends and developments, and then bringing insider insights back to the Mission with recommendations for growth.

“I might get an email one day out of the blue that says, “Hey, are you aware that this change is being made in the future? So why don’t we prepare for that change and get ahead of the curve.”

It’s a sign, Scott feels, that BDI values our partners beyond just fulfilling prescribed duties… and that we are as invested in our clients’ futures as we are in their day-day-fundraising needs. 

“What that really tells me is that they actually care about who they are serving. I have never been in a position where I’ve had to wait to have a question be answered or wait to have a need fulfilled with BDI.”

BDI shares our clients’ passions for helping and serving those who need it. A key part of that passion is strategizing to help our clients prepare for challenges, and meet new obstacles and opportunities.

“I am very excited to look forward to the future… as we move forward and we figure out how we want to deliver our message, BDI is right there beside us, ready to help.”

Want to learn more about how BDI can support your nonprofit as you navigate new trends and changing times? Please reach out to Heidi Caster, our Senior Vice President of Client Partnership, today!

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