Our new, fearless leader in the field of cybersecurity, AI and machine learning
From Michael J. Tomlinson (MT), BDI CEO and President
One of the most exciting things about my role is working with naturally gifted leaders to expand the breadth of BDI’s influence and impact. The last month has been filled with just that – new opportunities for growth as BDI welcomes a new Chief Intelligence Officer to the team.
If you haven’t heard already, BDI has welcomed Mike Rogers as our new Chief Intelligence Officer.
With technology changing constantly, there are always new opportunities for nonprofits to explore. Cloud processing power… predictive knowledge tools… AI and more. BDI wants to ensure our client partners and our agency are on the forefront of cutting-edge data insights, new technologies, and the latest innovations in fundraising and philanthropy.
Mike will be dedicated to helping our client partners make an even greater impact by integrating new technologies into their existing processes. He will bring our capabilities to the next level and provide valuable insight on how to better leverage data and analytics, data security and privacy, and AI technologies to boost fundraising efforts.
“I live by this motto: Don’t strive to do what is possible; that only requires your own strength. Rather, strive to do the impossible. In the realm of impossibilities, God’s strength and provision are required, and our faith is perfected.”
Mike Rogers, Chief Intelligence Officer at BDI
And I assure you… he is the best person for the job.
Mike comes to BDI with 30 years of experience in fundraising strategies, analytics, and donor management services. He was an early pioneer in developing models to predict donor behavior to drive fundraising strategies, and he is also a leading expert in AI and machine learning.

Here’s one example…
If you’ve ever used a marketing automation tool to execute longitudinal communication with your donors across various channels, you may have Mike to thank. He developed the first generation of one of today’s most popular nonprofit marketing automation platforms.
Impressive as his resume is, perhaps my favorite thing about Mike – and why he fits so well in BDI’s culture – is his heart for service, his love for his family, and his passion for helping others. Mike and his spouse are blessed by four grown children. They enjoy traveling to Central America to work alongside organizations who are investing life-changing resources in some of the most impoverished populations in the world. Mike seamlessly integrates personal compassion with incredible professional capability and capacity – which makes him a priceless addition to our BDI team.
Please join me in welcoming BDI’s third Michael – Mike Rogers.
We are humbled and honored to have his heart and experience on our Executive Leadership Team, working with our client partners and our internal team to navigate changes in the nonprofit ecosystem and to leverage new opportunities that emerging technologies present.