Carmen Campbell, BDI's Director of Production and Purchasing

QUICK SHOT: Send More Mail in 2024… and USPS Will Pay You!

What nonprofits need to know about the new USPS postage credit

If you’re like me, some good news during a busy work day can brighten your outlook on the entire week.

What if I told you I’ve got great news? And more than brightening just one week, this quick tip could energize and inspire your work from now until the end of 2024…

The United States Postal Service wants you to send more mail. And they’re offering a kickback (Ok, technically they call it a “Growth Incentive”) in the form of a postage credit for organizations that step up their mailing!

If it feels like this deal is tailor-made for your organization, we’re on the same page. Mailing is such an integral part of nonprofit work – after all, who pays closer attention to raising postage rates than a fundraising agency?

And unless you are planning to send over one million Christmas cards this December, this postage credit is intended for organizations mailing at high volume, like your nonprofit.

To be sure your organization qualifies, I want to make sure you get the full picture, so let’s talk through the details (and the fine print):

The United States Postal Service is offering a 30% postage credit based on additional mail volume during 2024 vs. the baseline volume during the 12-month period between 10/1/22 and 9/30/23.

The USPS has tracked how much mail your organization sent between 10/1/22 and 9/30/23. This is your baseline volume. The minimum baseline volume is 1 million pieces of mail. If your actual baseline number is less than 1 million, don’t worry! You can still be eligible for a postage credit (more on that below).

The USPS will track how much mail your organization sends between 1/1/24 and 12/31/24. Anything beyond your baseline number will factor into the postage credit. If your organization has a baseline lower than 1 million, anything beyond 1 million will factor into your postage credit.

“Nonprofit Alpha” had a baseline volume of 1.2 million pieces of mail and went on to send 1.5 million pieces of mail in 2024. They would receive a 30% postage credit on the additional 300,000 pieces.

“Nonprofit Beta” had a baseline volume of 800,000 pieces of mail and went on to send 1.4 million pieces of mail in 2024. Since they only get credit for anything beyond 1 million, they would receive a 30% postage credit on 400,000 pieces.

  • We at BDI can’t wait to help as many of our partner organizations as possible take advantage of this offer, but please note: the incentive is based on each individual organization’s mailing totals.
  • The credit earned on your nonprofit mail can be used only on any future nonprofit mail (not first class), through the end of 2025.
  • The deadline to sign up for this postage credit incentive is June 2024.

If you have questions about this incentive or the next steps to register for it, we’re here to help! Feel free to reach out to your strategist (if you’re a BDI partner), or send me an email with your questions.

Check out last week’s Quick Shot: Calling All Facebook Fundraisers!

  • Carmen Campbell

    Carmen Campbell, Senior Director of Production

    Carmen Campbell brings more than 28+ years of experience to the table in the field of production and purchasing. She spent 5 years working on the vendor side before transitioning to the agency side of things, where the majority of her work was with for-profit clients before she joined Brewer Direct.

    In her position at BDI as the Director of Production and Purchasing, Carmen oversees the Print Production team to ensure that every appeal goes out correctly and on time, and manages all the agency’s purchasing to ensure that BDI is in compliance with our purchasing policy. She also serves as a liaison between all the other departments to check and confirm that everything uploaded to print is accurate and on-point for each client.

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