Phil Stolberg

QUICK SHOT: In Our Uncertain World, Let’s Live Generously

“Generosity, ultimately, comes down to this question: What will we do with the amazing love that has been given to us?”

Randy Brewer

What a year it’s been. COVID-19. Quarantine and social distancing. Social unrest. Wildfires, tornadoes and hurricanes. A presidential election.

And it’s not over yet!

With such an intense set of issues, come even more questions.

  • Is COVID-19 under control… or is it spiking again?
  • Is the economy recovering… or is unemployment surging?
  • Is the stock market booming… or crashing?
  • Is my privacy protected… or not?

How many more distractions and uncertainties can we juggle?

I don’t know about you but I’m overwhelmed and just want it all to STOP. What’s so disturbing and frightening is that all these questions influence and build on one another – and there never seems to be a solution to these very complicated questions we face.

But there’s one powerful and exciting certainty… our cherished nonprofit brands need our encouragement and financial support. Their missions bring solutions and certainty to an uncertain world. This fall, more than ever before, we must dig into our checkbooks (assuming any of us can find the checkbook!) and with purpose, passion and the utmost generosity, support our chosen causes.

There’s a measure of certainty found in giving during a particularly challenging time. That’s because giving is a deliberate action to relieve the suffering of others. When we give that gift for others, the greatest beneficiaries often turn out to be ourselves. It’s a reminder of two important truths when life is hard: 1) that others will step in to help us in our time of need and 2) that this, too, shall pass. By serving others in this way, we buoy our own faith and courage.

So get behind your nonprofit of choice. Encourage your family, friends and colleagues to do the same. Give with joy, passion and with the certainty that your generosity will make a powerful difference.

›› Read last week’s Quickshot: “Reaching Millennial Donors in 3 Easy Steps” ››

  • Chief Operating Officer

    Phil Stolberg, MSW | CFRE, Chief Operating Officer

    With over 40 years of experience in marketing and communications, BDI’s Chief Operating Officer, Phil Stolberg, has dedicated his career to working with not-for-profit organizations. He has held a variety of leadership positions, both with nonprofit organizations and with agencies that consult with the not-for-profit world, allowing him extensive experience with marketing, major donor and capital campaigns, special event and foundation fundraising.

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