Today is precious… every moment is important

Meet BDI’s Production Artist, Chelsea Campbell

From Debbie Freeman, BDI Contributing Writer

Chelsea Campbell’s not active on Facebook. Not on Twitter or TikTok either. 

You see, the 31-year-old has little interest in social media – a rare phenomenon among members of her generation.           

Those who know her best say it’s because she’s not into following trends, keeping up with the Joneses or commenting on current events. Instead she takes an introspective approach to life, living for the moment and embracing the beauty around her.

 ‘Today is precious’ is a phrase I use to remind myself to be present and thankful. It’s easy to worry about the future, but I like to remember that the moment I’m in is just as important as the next moment the one I may be rushing to get to!”

Chelsea’s calming mantra serves her well in her fast-paced position as BDI’s Production Artist, responsible for implementing corrections in artwork and proofs, selecting and retouching photos and enhancing logos for the countless client projects that cross her desk each day. While her official duties place her smack-dab in the middle of the production process, she also assists with internal company communications, marketing materials and other work that calls for her masterful combination of artistry and organizational skills.

“I like the fusion of left brain and right brain tasks,” she says. “There’s a lot of problem solving that goes into graphic design and production art, but obviously there’s a lot of opportunity to be creative. So it’s the perfect place for me because I love both aspects.”

In addition to being mindful of her blessings, Chelsea also finds solace in her surroundings. “I have a corner desk next to two windows with views of blue sky and billowy trees,” she says of her home office in the Highland Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. “There’s just so much beauty in the mundane details around my house.”

She shares the peaceful environment with her dog, Scully, a frequent and welcome visitor to BDI before the pandemic, and her husband, Zack, a freelance filmmaker and independent artist. 

Sharing similar interests, the couple met at Biola University where Chelsea earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. The school is also where Chelsea met her then “roomie” and now “bestie” Anna Koons, BDI’s Lead Proofreader, who introduced her to the company. 

“I’d been hearing great things about BDI from Anna for a long time,” Chelsea says. So after working in the wedding industry for a handful of years as a calligrapher and designer of stationery and invitation suites, she was happy to explore something new.

“The fundraising industry definitely provides another layer of gratification that I didn’t have before,” she says, “knowing that what we are doing is directly making an impact in the lives of those in need.”

While you won’t see Chelsea on social media, she has been sighted at local coffee shops and kayaking at Big Bear Lake. “And when I can, I really enjoy traveling internationally and trying interesting cuisine,” she says. “But an average weekend consists of watching movies with my cinephile husband, camping in our converted van and spending time with friends.”

Chelsea is also taking a class in motion graphics, a personal challenge she hopes will raise her skills to a new level at BDI and move her closer to achieving her long-term goal of collaborating with her husband on film projects.

But for now she’s looking forward to the holidays and the couple’s annual trip up the I-5. They’ll visit Chelsea’s family in Sacramento and spend Christmas with Zack’s folks in Oregon – a tradition she savors in true Chelsea fashion. 

“Time slows down and I try to treasure each bite of food… hike in the woods… conversation with loved ones… and moment by the fireplace. 

“It’s beautiful in every way.”

“Gratitude doesn’t always come easy, but every time I turn my attention to it I find that it eases any fears or worries I have. When life feels stressful or when life feels ordinary, it’s always a gift and can be beautiful and fulfilling!”

  • Debbie Freeman

    Debbie Freeman, Contributing Writer

    Throughout her 30+ year career in direct marketing and fundraising, Debbie has held positions in client service, creative management and copywriting. She’s worked for a number of organizations, including Hallmark Cards, Unity School of Christianity, Resource & Development Group and Summit Marketing, and has served nonprofit clients such as The Salvation Army and American Red Cross.

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