Sharing Your Lolly Stories

Remembering Lolly Colombo, BDI’s beloved Chief Client Officer

From the BDI Team

In the hours after the heartbreaking news of Lolly’s passing, hundreds of friends, colleagues and even people who only met her once or twice began to share their memories of her. She left an unforgettable mark on anyone who was blessed to meet her.

Take a moment to remember Lolly with us as we share just a few of these memories – and celebrate the impact she has made on so many lives!

Lolly Colombo and Shellie Speer-Bernett

“When Lolly walked into a room, the pure essence of her heart lit up the space. She, alongside each of us, made up the amazing heart of BDI… Our lives will always be richer for having known her.” 

– Shellie Speer-Burnett, Senior Vice President, BDI Academy

“Something that always amazed me about Lolly were the stories she told about her life. Serving in South America, meeting her husband in Chile, growing up in Woodstock, etc. You’d think you’ve heard all of her adventure stories and then randomly she would say something like, ‘Did I ever tell you about the time I was on the Olympic rowing team?’ And be continuously astonished at the seemingly unending literal and metaphorical mountains she climbed. Gone far too soon, but wow, what a full life she lived.”

– Amanda Robledo, Account Executive, BDI

Lolly Colombo and BDI Client Service Team

This past October, Lolly got one of her greatest wishes: to have the whole BDI Client Services team at her house for a dinner party on her patio.

Lolly Colombo, Former BDI Chief Client Officer, visiting a client-partner

“Lolly had a warm, loving, winsome heart, strong faith and beautifully developed talent. I am saddened not to see her again in this world but look forward to the Day!” 

– Robert Gehman, Helping Up Mission

“She was kind, smart and an example of the kind of woman I aspire to be. She will be missed beyond words and her imprint on BDI will live on.”

– Stephanie Tippitt, SVP Digital Strategy, BDI

Lolly Colombo, Former BDI Chief Client Officer, in a meeting with other BDI team members

Lolly Colombo, Former BDI Chief Client Officer, presenting at BDI Rechard 2023

“She always will be known as a difference maker for so many ‘boots on the ground’ people at many Missions. A true servant.”  

– Mark Hunter, Union Gospel Mission of Salem

“Lolly was always ready for an adventure. We had so many laughs when we went to visit BDI’s client partner Wyoming Rescue Mission and learned to fly fish!”

– Mindy Sherfy, VP Client Strategy, BDI

Lolly Colombo, Former BDI Chief Client Officer

Lolly Colombo and BDI staff ziplining

“Lolly had the brightest smile! Here we were all geared up to go ziplining during our annual company retreat! We miss you, Lolly, and you will be forever in our hearts.”

– Carol Li, Senior Director of Project Management, BDI

“No one had more energy, more zest for life, more enthusiasm, drive, enjoyment… love. Lolly cared passionately for every single person at BDI and for each of our clients. Lolly was IMPACT. She never allowed a moment or opportunity to be wasted. Those of us watching her courageous spirit were inspired.”

– Phil Stolberg, Chief Operating Officer, BDI

Lolly Colombo and Phil Stolberg, BDI Chief Operating Officer

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