Giving thanks for the true heroes this Thanksgiving
By Kevin Bryant, Director of Client Partnership
I Corinthians 12:27-28 tells us, “The Body of Christ is made up of many parts.”
As we approach Thanksgiving, I’ve been reflecting on how grateful I am to serve alongside nonprofit Rescue Missions. I have the greatest job on the planet… but I couldn’t do it alone. Every day, our work serving the hurting takes special people – all united in purpose and willing to lend their time, talents and expertise to this important cause.
As I am blessed, I ask you to consider your job and your organization, and encourage you to take a minute and think about where you’re contributing your time, talents and expertise at your nonprofit.
Making the most of our talents
Thank God for faith-based ministries that serve the homeless – and act as a shining light for people experiencing trauma and despair.
The people serving at these ministries are the true heroes. Each day, they’re actively involved in changing lives by moving men and women off the streets and into a brighter future. It’s not just providing food and shelter – they’re building relationships that require commitment, long hours and deep compassion with a servant’s heart.
These organizations are a village of hope that have to be supported by a dedicated team with both skill set and passion. No ministry will survive without diverse talents and a staff-wide dedication to serve.
Here’s the temptation: In a nonprofit, it can be easy to take on work outside our experience or expertise in an effort to be good stewards.
However, many passionate people in the nonprofit world end up exhausted or even overwhelmed by their work. So in order to keep the whole body healthy and functioning, it’s incredibly important to put professionals in place at the right time, who have the right qualifications, resources and even certifications.
Coming alongside one another in a spirit of generosity
It’s here that I’m grateful to be part of the story. I work with a team of fundraisers at BDI who provide professional services in technology, automation, data analysis and creative communication that’s extremely difficult to implement in a battleground environment.

And although my team may not be wired like our brothers and sisters in nonprofit Rescue Missions – who love, protect and “wash the feet” of society’s most vulnerable – we serve in a different capacity that allows them to engage in their life-changing ministry.
We believe that as you’re in the trenches, there is an abundance of generosity from donors in your community who want to come alongside you. They’re ready, willing and able to provide the funding you need to sustain and expand your services.
At BDI, we aim to meet a donor’s capacity to give by connecting with them to a value-driven, engaging and rewarding experience with a nonprofit. To be Missionally Aligned – Kingdom called. To not only support them with heart and commitment, but with passion. To be out of the spotlight, invisible and seamless to the front line.
Behind the scenes? Yes. Humbled to be part of their work? Yes. Honored to collaborate? Goodness, yes! Supporting faith-first nonprofits is the greatest honor, and one that all of us at BDI are grateful to share.
The True Heroes
I’m blessed by the incredible men and women at the nonprofits I meet every day. They are the most courageous, generous and amazing people on earth.
Nothing in the world can compare with the privilege of working alongside these passionate, committed and honorable servants.
This Thanksgiving, I couldn’t be more grateful to be inspired daily by the true heroes: The men and women serving on the front lines who strengthen the Body of Christ in faith-based ministries across the nation. Thank you for all that you do!
Check out last week’s Quick Shot – “Make Repetition Part of Your Fundraising”>>