Meet The Guy Who Does The Things (and learn how he lives like water)

Get to know Jhovany Quiroz 

From Debbie Freeman, BDI Contributing Writer

Officially, Jhovany Quiroz is BDI’s Digital Asset Manager/Storytellers Manager

Unofficially, he says in jest, “I’m The Guy Who Does The Things.”

As strange as it may sound, that quirky title is a pretty accurate description of his job, given that it changes from day to day and involves tasks that are nonspecific and hard to define for people who don’t work closely with him. 

And no one does — he’s a one-man department!

Jhovany’s primary role is to organize, catalog and provide easy access to the company’s digital library of photographs, documents and other resources used in producing fundraising and marketing communications. He also coordinates the team that travels to Rescue Missions to collect stories and photos of their guests.    

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Eager to take on “other duties as assigned,” he has assembled two studios for the agency, engineered a podcast and embraced a plethora of projects unknown to many but vital in moving the organization forward.

While doing all the things, he requires a commitment to flexibility and draws on a philosophy he applies not only professionally, but personally as well.

“Knowing that change is the only constant, you have to be able to ‘free flow’ like water,” he says. “Water has no specific shape, it can be a variety of forms and it’s never rigid. I’ve found that super helpful in my life.” 

At home in a recently refurbished Mid-Century Modern style house in Pomona, California, which he shares with his significant other, Sarah, and their dog and three cats, he finds fertile ground for his free-flowing spirit.

A collection of guitars adorns his home office, but you won’t hear him crooning country songs or practicing rock ‘n’ roll riffs. “I’m a big fan of dissonance,” he says. “I like to make noise. The music that attracts me the most isn’t super melodic but it satisfies me, even if no one can sing along.”

He is also a photographer, videographer, graphic designer and digital artist and his work reflects his freeform style. “The images I create are super abstract — weird graphics and stuff,” he says. And his distinctiveness is attracting a following. He has prints on display at the new Virgin Hotel in Las Vegas, as well as resorts in Palm Springs. (See his work at

Yet the role Jhovany loves most is being a father to his busy teenage daughter, who appreciates his ability to go with the flow. She lives with her mother and he sees her each weekend, encouraging her to develop her unique skills and dreams. 

“She’s in advanced placement classes, but she’s not about school,” Jhovany says. “I tell her to find something she’s passionate about and I’ll support her 100 percent.” 

Jhovany’s own passion for his work at BDI is inspired by life experience. Born in Mexico City, he moved with his parents to Long Beach when he was six. When his father’s employer shut down, the family went through tough times and turned to food pantries. 

“So when it came to working for Rescue Missions, I knew how hard it can be for people and why they go there for help,” he says. “It feels good to be doing this work. It’s work I can be proud of.”

While his duties are dynamic and fluid, Jhovany’s time at BDI has always been punctuated by his desire for progress and efficiency that benefits not only the company, but more importantly, the clients.

“That’s one of my things,” he says. And for Jhovany, there are more things to come.

You need to read this! Click here to read “BDI Has a New Brand!” from BDI’s CEO and President, Michael J. Tomlinson.

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  • Debbie Freeman

    Debbie Freeman, Contributing Writer

    Throughout her 30+ year career in direct marketing and fundraising, Debbie has held positions in client service, creative management and copywriting. She’s worked for a number of organizations, including Hallmark Cards, Unity School of Christianity, Resource & Development Group and Summit Marketing, and has served nonprofit clients such as The Salvation Army and American Red Cross.

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