QUICK SHOT: 4 tips for a donor-optimized donation page
The last time you heard from me, I spent some time on some key strategies to help you create a fundraising-focused website. Today, I want to focus on an aspect…
The last time you heard from me, I spent some time on some key strategies to help you create a fundraising-focused website. Today, I want to focus on an aspect…
What we hoped would be a sprint may end up being a marathon. We’ve lived in the midst of the pandemic for many months now. As genuine struggle and the…
Why you should be seeking all available grants ‒ especially during this time of crisis. (Plus, check out our free webinar!) Brewer Academy, led by Shellie Speer, is your one-stop…
It’s almost Fall, y’all. And countless nonprofit organizations across the country are preparing for a very busy acquisition season. The most important thing to keep top-of-mind is that every new…
Ahhh, life with COVID-19! It seems each day brings additional questions – many of which don’t have a clear answer yet. How accurate is the news? How long will the…
It has been said that nothing in life is certain… except death and taxes. When it comes to fundraising, there is a third certainty: donor attrition. If there’s one thing…