Rocket launching to convey skyrocketing results when optimizing donation pages

When BDI Optimized Their Donation Page

This nonprofit client’s conversions increased to 13%! First Steps to Investing in Digital Marketing Innovative nonprofit organizations want to be on the cutting-edge of the latest digital fundraising practices. However, without a fundraising-focused website and optimized donation page as your foundation, you’ll be unable to capture the donations these strategies bring in. BDI’s Digital Team regularly audits our client partners’…

When it Comes to Newsletters, Less Really is More…

See how this Mission experienced a 48% net revenue increase by changing their newsletter strategy! THE CHALLENGE For years, City Union Mission in Kansas City had been mailing a 4-color newsletter to their donors five times a year. They were happy with this strategy… and unaware that they might not be following best practices for nonprofit newsletters. As a trusted…

Helping Up Mission Awareness Campaign

You Are Not Alone: Reaching Hurting People in Baltimore with Life-Changing Help

Helping Up Mission’s public awareness campaign on addiction recovery led to a 24-hour hotline… and 850 calls in the first 3 months! THE CHALLENGE The opioid crisis in Baltimore, MD has reached epidemic proportions – the number of people struggling with homelessness and drug addiction is the highest in the U.S. To make matters worse, the number of overdose deaths,…

What’s in a name? Discoveries from a Brand Equity Analysis

How to know when rebranding is right for your nonprofit… THE CHALLENGE More than 100 years ago, Lakeview Mission opened its doors in West Michigan. Over the years, Lakeview began to be more widely used in the market, and seemed to diminish in brand value for the Mission. In response, the Mission took on their current name, Holland Rescue Mission,…

Championing the Faith: Finding A New Start Through Focused Fundraising

Keeping the Faith: Finding A New Start Through Focused Fundraising

How BDI helped a national nonprofit DOUBLE their net revenue over the last two years! THE CHALLENGE Summit Ministries, a national organization, has a divinely-inspired mission to equip young women and men to “embrace God’s truth and champion a biblical worldview.” They’re shaping the next generation for Christ through school and church curriculum, conferences and a vast library of online…

Case Study: Goal: $1.25 Million in 125 Days

It was a huge goal… and we beat it by more than 9X over the course of a year! THE CHALLENGE As they approached their 125th anniversary, Wheeler Mission’s Center for Women & Children was unable to meet the growing demand. On a single given night in Indy, 580 women – ranging from children to seniors – are homeless. The…

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